Monday, July 30, 2012

Country Living Fair/Columbus

The seventh Country living Fair will take place at the lovely Ohio Village in Columbus, Ohio September 14-15-16. We will have our usual space under the apple tree. Preparations for the show are under way. I normally sell bittersweet, but I am not sure what the crop will be with this drought. I will bring as much of my handmade willow rustic furniture for the fairgoers to examine as I can squeeze into my van and trailer. They will learn the ins and outs of what I do. This will be our sixth year at the Country Living Show, and it is our best and favorite show. Normally I do shows on my own, but this show is so large and intense that my lovely wife Linda comes with me. It is always fun to see where people come from and to demonstrate making my handmade rustic willow furniture. I am not yet sure what I will be making, probably trellises. I just finished the second of nine leather covered boxes, and I am pleased with the results. It is nice to make something new and different. The picture frames and leather vases gave me experience with gluing and using the decorative upholstery nail. As with anything, there is a learning curve, and the first ones have some missteps, mostly in the order of the construction.

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