Monday, October 19, 2015

Small Mall on Massachusetts avenue

Over the last weeks, I have installed a large assortment of my handmade rustic willow furniture at the Small Mall on Masschusetts avenue. This new venue will begin as a small door just east of 409 Massachusetts avenue, adjacent to Toys On Mass ave, a very popular spot on the avenue. Inside this small door, The Empty Vase will introduce patrons to the space with a full service florist shop, an extension of David Strohmeyer's shop in the Butler-Tarkington area. The second and third floors will be used to display the work of a number of artists, including Bella Bella from Bloomington, Handmade Promenade popup shops, Gathered Glassblowing of Toledo,Ohio, and art by Clare Horne. There will also be a selection of Antiques and Vintage items.

The owner of the building, Elizabeth Dillon, has initiated this project to bring handmade Indiana Arts to the well travelled Mass ave commercial district. This venue will eventually accommodate 10,000 square feet of merchandise. Additional artists will be stocking areas of the beautiful building in the near future. The initial opening will be October 23, 2015. Hours will reflect similar hours along the avenue.

The building itself is a fascinating mix of modern and 1890's.
There are several areas that will feature the work of artists which also feature fireplaces and mantels unchanged since the building was originally constructed.

My work on display will include items different from the more portable work I normally display at area shows. For example a desk with a large cabinet and large tables, some of my largest works will be displayed, inspired by Elizabeth Dillon's vision to display larger, more unique items that have only been seen at my shop. Included will be my normal upholstered fabric and leather stools and vases.

One of the benefits of this new venue is that my shop is much more uncluttered and items are much more easily visible. They will also be seen by urban shoppers in this central location.

I have been working on some other challenging custom works at the shop and the colder weather has brought the first fire of the season to my stove.

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