Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Indy Urban Flea Market January 9, 2016

Fellow Indiana Artisan John Bundy and I will have a display of our work at the Urban Flea Market January 9 at the Biltwell Event Center, 950 South White River Parkway West in Indianapolis.

John will bring his handmade duck decoys and I will have my handmade rustic willow furniture and we will combine our stuff in a display in the section of the show that includes Handmade Indiana made crafts.

John and I have previously exhibited at the Indy Urban Flea Market when they were at the Fountains in Carmel. This market has become the premiere Vintage market in the Indy area. I have not been to this venue, but the photos reveal an upscale industrial turn of the century building that has been lovingly preserved. It is within sight of the Lucas Center downtown.

The show will run from 10-5 on Saturday January 9, 2016 and will feature a wide variety of Vintage wares.

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