Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Another dreary December day

Went to Union City to pick up a load of stuff at Randolph county arts center, the old train station. It has been wonderfully restored and is a very nice setting for the 14th annual holiday sale of art from area artists. Geoff Davis and I were approached by the director and set our work up, leaving it for 5weeks. We didn't sell a lot, but perhaps something will come of our efforts. It was a long dreary dark drive through the soggy landscape.
I am sad to say that ever since seeing the snowy owl perched on a post at Mt Comfort on a similar day in November I have been unable to avoid checking out every plastic bag, every white PVC bucket or herbicide jug that I see, believing that it could potentially be another snowy owl. I wonder how long it will last. I even turned around when I thought I saw something white move ins field, but it was only a white cat.
I wonder if I will ever see another.
Weather like this makes me long for snow.

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