Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November day

I saw a fox sparrow on my patio yesterday and I saw a couple at Lafayette Trace Park today, along with some tree sparrows. The tree sparrows will be here all winter. I love Thoreau's description of their calls as "the tinkling of icicles".

As I was leaving, I saw an eagle once again flying upstream near the highway 13 bridge at Perkinsville.
I went to pick up my scraps at Hickory designs and talked to Brad about a joint project. Had a wonderful roast beef sandwich at Arts.

I stopped to cut three bundles of very nice tall willows along 67th Street. Had to hike a good way across a cornfield, but they were very good willows. After changing out of my wet shirt, I relaxed by the fire. After a beer, I was poking around loading some stuff up to take to the Nickel Plate tomorrow for their Christmas exhibit, a while sitting in my rocker, I heard the unmistakable sound of Sandhills. Their sound is unlike anything I can think off except the rhythmic squeaking of my van's back window. I rushed outside and saw a flight of about fifty about 2,000 feet up headed south, probably close to Goose pond. It is always a lovely sound and sight.

I have seen several mink dead on the road lately. They appear to be smaller juvenile ones. It is always sad to see.

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