Monday, November 25, 2013

Summit lake

Went to Lewisville to pickup my unsold stuff, almost everything. I slid by the sawmill at Knightstown, nothing in their pile as it has been for months. Went by Summit Lake and saw a small band of Sandhills just east of New Castle near Dublin Pike. There were three foraging in a cornfield. They stood still for a while and I got a photo. Missed one when they spooked and flew.
There were lots of ducks at Summit lake. I can not remember seeing so many hooded mergansers. The day was exceptionally dim, but I was able to identify buffleheads, goldeneyes, gadwalls and shovelers.There were all kinds of ducks holding along the southern shore, but the light was so dim I could not tell what they were. Lots of mallards and geese.

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