Saturday, October 5, 2013

Bear's Mill open house

Despite a steady downpour on the way over to Greenville, and a two hour wait during which I really thought I would just pull out and go home, the day at Bear's Mill suddenly became sunny. After I set up my booth, I set to work to complete some birchbark picture frames. Soon the sun was bearing down on my neck and I may have gotten a little burn. The day was lovely with a few spells of drizzle, but not enough to stop the wonderful and very cutting edge musicians who continued to play with amplified music throughout the day. Sales were not great, but the place was lovely and I got the feel of years past when people would gather at the mill. The volunteers and the staff are so welcoming and make us feel so accepted. The drive back ran me into more rain and thunder and lighting.

During the time while I was waiting for the rain to stop, I was able to prowl through the four floors of the mill to really check out the stuff they have collected over the years. It is very nice as each floor has a door opening out onto the street and you are able to have an elevated look at the grounds. I was also able to walk the trails along the river and they are spectacular.

I heartily recommend that you take a few hours to drive over to the mill and check it out. You will not be disappointed.

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